Portable 2 Infinity
Japanese to English Translation Guide
This guide is meant to aid those who want to play Infinity but are unable to understand so much as an ounce of Japanese. For the most part, this guide will cover everything you need to know in order to play effectively. This includes learning the two primary alphabets of Japanese, Hiragana ( ひらがな ) and Katakana ( カタカナ ). Both of which are necessary to gain at least a basic, rudimentary understanding of the game. This guide is written in such a way however that the transition into Japanese should be seamless and easy for you. While it may seem daunting at first, just relax. For the most part, all the menus, items, and storyline have / will be translated in this guide for the game. I will say that writing this guide was no easy feat! While this guide is indeed free for anyone to download—because it was a fan project—I would be most appreciative of any donations that you [or whomever else] would be ever so nice enough to impart. Thank you kindly for your continued support. Having said that, I hope this guide will help those of you who cannot speak / read / write Japanese the ability to enjoy the game. Thank you, and have a splendid day! Current Rate of Completion for the Guide’s Translations: 100% Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity and Rapico are owned by SEGA © |