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The Adventure of Valkyrie was
the first time Valkyrie appeared in the video game universe. The
game--and it's sequel, The Legend of Valkyrie--are both still
revered by Japanese gamers to this day.
The fact that the game asks you
for irrelevant information such as your "sign", and "blood type" is
useless--it's just a mild distraction for you to pick out Valkyrie's
rate of growth by experience points in game. The game, like many
standard RPGs today, uses many "known" and invisible factors, as well as
the use of gold pieces as currency. The game features a "luck" factor.
If you're familiar with the attributes that "luck" governs in typical
RPGs, then you'll know that this simply determines the likelihood of
rare items dropping off monsters after you've defeated them--the rate is
most likely calculated by a percentage in the game's coding and
increases with the experience points that Valkyrie gains. The inclusion
of the ability to cast magic in the game was useful as well. Over time,
Valkyrie could learn more spells with the more experience she gained.
The game also uses an HP (Health Points) system. Not only displaying
your health, but your enemy's as well. Your inventory consists of only
eight available slots. Items can also be randomly stolen by "Zuhl", who
will spawn on certain sections of the overworld map.
Before you continue reading this
article, I would like to establish a few facts. The current date as I'm
writing this is April 8th, 2007. There is currently no other guide for
this game (perhaps no one is moved enough to write one or knows where to
look for information). Also, rather than write the guide in a "story"
format as I did with "SANDORA no Daibouken", I will write this guide in
a traditional FAQ / Walkthrough format. I'll do my best to include
pictures of information I've gathered. I'll take you from Valkyrie's
first descent into Marvel Land, to her final showdown in Zouna's castle.
A special thanks to a user by the
name of WorthlessNewbie for providing information in regards to
the remake of Valkyrie no Bouken that was released on Namco Anthology
Vol. 2 for Sony PSX in Japan. I was able to get a chance to play the
game for myself and received a further elaboration on the story. As a
result, I was able to show the game's prologue here, and provide a brief
overview of the PSX remake below. [Pictures courtesy of Namco Co. Ltd.
of Japan] |
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Once upon a time, in the world of Marvel Land, the people and
nature lived together in a peaceful and harmonic coexistence. All the
animals were docile. Humans, Sandras, Quarkmen, Tattas, and other races
mingled with one another and worked to make Marvel Land into an
increasingly beautiful place to live. A large clock tower resembling a stone grandfather clock stood watch over the countryside of Marvel Land. Long ago, an ancient evil had been sealed within the clock tower. The people needn't fret, however. For those days had long since passed. Or so they had thought... |
The key of time that rested in the center of the face of the
clock tower had long since been used to seal away the ancient evil that
lies within. Until one day, the clock tower mysteriously stopped
working. So... In an effort to rewind the clock, a villager takes it upon himself to do just that. |
Fumbling with the key, the villager drops the key of time,
foolishly. In a frantic manner, the villager picks up the key and tries
to reset it back into place before a catastrophe befalls Marvel Land.
But it was too late! The ancient evil of legend. Zouna, the Dark Wizard who manipulates time itself was unleashed upon the world once more. And to prevent anyone else from sealing him away once again, Zouna takes the key of time for himself. |
Finally freed after many years, Zouna wastes no time in
wreaking havoc and chaos over Marvel Land. Zouna unleashes his
manifested darkness over the land, and lays waste to the countryside.
Feeling confident in his reign, Zouna constructs his castle in which to
preside over Marvel Land from. |
The peaceful inhabitants of Marvel Land cried out in terror as
Zouna's manifested darkness came after them one by one. Zouna's darkness
corrupted the hearts of anyone it came across, and possessed them
against their wills. Once thriving towns and villages fell into
ruination. Family members were parted from their loved ones. Only a few
scattered towns remained standing; forming a last bastion in resistance
to Zouna's dark invasion. A futile effort. Even Kurino Sandra would come to meet his heroic demise, subdued by Zouna's power. Marvel Land is in dire need of a savior! |
The desperate call has been answered by the heavens. Valkyrie,
a fledgling shield maiden descends to Marvel Land from heaven. Her first
adventure, she wields a simple shield and a mace of light. Vowing to
save Marvel Land from the darkness that has consumed it. Her adventure
now begins! |
As I write out this FAQ / Walkthrough, I would like everyone to know that this guide is mainly adapted and compiled from three sources.
What you see here is the world map of Marvel Land. And to the left is
the legend that will help you identify what all the numbers mean. Take a
moment or two to familiarize yourself with the map and the surrounding
area, as we will be making regular references back to the map. Marvel Land is bigger than you realize, and there are a lot of obstacles that will either slow or completely block your progress. For the first half of the game, you are confined entirely to the western hemisphere of the world map and must travel around either on foot, by sail boat, or using the Warp Zones. The eastern and western hemispheres are divided by what appears to be a barrier reef in the ocean. On land, to secure the division, the eastern lands are teeming with stronger monsters than the west side. Not only that, but there is also a mountain range in the north surrounded by a vast desert that's filled by unforgiving quicksand fields that can destroy Valkyrie. Not shown on the map is Zouna's castle. That will be revealed later. The game however only has five fairly large dungeons--including Zouna's castle. The Eastern continent is referred
to as the "Country of Wealth". While that region boasts the strongest of
monsters, it also has the rarest of treasures. So let's begin our
adventure. |
Inventory Items gained throughout the Game:
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Red Lantern: 赤い灯篭 |
Not much different from the normal lantern. The only difference with this lantern is that you get about 3 to 5 uses out of it. It is not sold in Sandra Shops. It drops off enemies at a somewhat rare rate, and is not available in Sandra Shops. | |
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Boat: ボート |
You acquire the boat early on in the game and use it to navigate the seas of the western hemisphere of Marvel Land. Because of the barrier reef, there is a division between the western and eastern hemispheres of Marvel Land. This is not gained from a dungeon, nor can it be bought from a Sandra Shop. You acquire the boat from a Treasure Chest not too far from the game's starting point. Also note that any sea-faring vehicles can only be boarded from ports on land. The ports resemble vertical, gray-colored spotted strips. (See picture below.) | |
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Marko The Whale: マッコウ |
Marko the Whale was initially stranded in the mountains (his location is marked on the map). You must use the Axe (Red or Blue, depending on your level). Hack and chop your way through the mountains until you reach him. Stand over him, and cast the Healing spell (Valkyrie's first spell) and Marko will flop his way back to the ocean and leave behind an image of himself. Pick up the item and Marko will be in your inventory. You no longer need the Boat and may now sell it at a Sandra Shop. Marko has more advantages than the boat does. Valkyrie can attack from atop Marko's back. She can also cast spells from atop Marko as well. | |
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Medicine: 薬 |
Like all RPGs, occasional health hazards can occur. This medicine bottle (not to be confused with the potion bottle) cures Valkyrie of the "Poisoned" status. Some enemies can drop this item, but it can be also bought in the Sandra Shop. Poisoned Status occur when Valkyrie touches an evil Quarkman, bumps into a Cactus in the desert, or touches a Mushroom in a dungeon--There are most likely other means of becoming poisoned too. | |
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Blue Medicine: 青い薬 |
A mildly stronger version of the normal Medicine. Sold in some eastern Sandra Shops for a high amount. Unnecessary when Valkyrie reaches a certain point--so don't bother with it. | |
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Silver Key: シルバーキー |
Silver Keys drop off of Mid-bosses and certain Dungeon-dwelling monsters. On average, they can be used about 3 times before they vanish from Valkyrie's inventory. They cannot be bought in Sandra Shops, however you can sell them in Sandra Shops for a decent piece of money. | |
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Gold Key: ゴルドキー |
Found in the Southern Pyramid dungeon, submerged in a pond underwater in a far room of the dungeon. You can locate it easier with the True-Sight Lens Magic spell. The Gold Key is useful because it becomes a permanent replacement for the Silver Key. It does not disappear after 3 uses like its Silver counterpart--it remains in your inventory forever. It is also sold (for an expensive amount) in Sandra Shops that surround the Wealthy Continent. | |
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Red Axe: 赤い斧 |
The Red Axe can be used to attack enemies and chop through trees in your way on the overworld map. Bear in mind however that the Axe can disappear from Valkyrie's inventory after strong over-usage. The Red Axe can be bought in Sandra Shops. If you want to chop through the very mountains to reach the east side of Marvel Land, you will need an upgraded Axe. Mountains can be chopped down with a Red Axe, but Valkyrie needs to be strong enough, and at a high enough level. | |
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Blue Axe: 青い斧 |
The Blue Axe is gained from a far room deep inside the northern Pyramid. Typically, it would be used to hack away at the trees and mountains on the overworld. But once Valkyrie reaches a high enough level, she can simply use the Red Axes to accomplish the job--rendering the Blue Axe utterly useless. It is also sold (for an expensive amount) in Sandra Shops that surround the Wealthy Continent. | |
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Kurino Sandra: クリノ・サンドラ |
Kurino Sandra, the hero from the last game reviewed in this article, has been transformed into an evil Black Sandra and put under Zouna's command. The purpose of a Black Sandra is to guard the North and South Pyramids in the desert of Marvel Land (That's where they typically spawn). Defeat multiple Black Sandras until Kurino appears--then collect him. Kurino acts as a "key" in Valkyrie's inventory. He is required to enter the North and South Pyramids. | |
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Potion: ポシヨン |
Potions restore a moderate amount of HP (Health Points) for Valkyrie. These can be bought in Sandra Shops and will occasionally drop off of enemies such as Trolls. They disappear after one usage, of course. | |
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Red Potion: 赤いポシヨン |
Works in the same manner as the normal potion. Cures Valkyrie's HP (Health Points), with the exception to the fact that this item offers multiple uses--up to about 3 to 5. They are an uncommon drop off of monsters, and can be purchased in Sandra Shops in the further eastern areas of Marvel Land. | |
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Red Mantle: 赤いマント |
Provides damage resistance, as most armor does in RPGs. Disappears from inventory after one use. It appears physically on Valkyrie's character sprite. Can be bought in Sandra Shops, and occasionally found in treasure chests. | |
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Blue Mantle: 青いマント |
Provides damage resistance, and is stronger than the Red version. It is also necessary to defeat Zouna.. Does not disappear from inventory and can be used as often as you see fit. Only obtained from specific dungeon(s). Cannot be purchased in Sandra Shops. | |
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Red Helmet: 赤いヘルメット |
Provides damage resistance, as most armor does in RPGs. Disappears from inventory after one use. It appears physically on Valkyrie's character sprite. This can be purchased from Sandra Shops as you move further east of Marvel Land. Generally, this item appears as a treasure chest item and dungeon item. | |
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Blue Helmet: 青いヘルメット |
Provides damage resistance, and is stronger than the Red version. It is also necessary to defeat Zouna.. Does not disappear from inventory and can be used as often as you see fit. Only obtained from specific dungeon(s). Cannot be purchased in Sandra Shops. | |
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Tent: テント |
The Tent is occasionally found in certain dungeons, residing within a treasure chest. It basically is an "Elixir". Curing Valkyrie's HP and MP for a moderate amount. | |
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Super Tent: スパー・テント |
The Super Tent is also occasionally found in certain dungeons. It is a one-time use and cures Valkyrie to full HP and MP. It is also sold in Sandra Shops that surround the Wealthy Continent. | |
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Tiara: チィアラ |
This item is found on the Wealthy Continent on a small island just north of the Gate of the Lion (Position #18 on the overworld map). The Tiara can be used to open up the gate. Also, using the Tiara as a stand-alone item will instantly warp Valkyrie safely back to the Sandra Shop and Inn at Position #12 on the map. Also, having the Tiara in Valkyrie's inventory will alter where the Warp Zones take you in Marvel Land. The benefit of this is that one of the places you get teleported to with the Tiara in your inventory is a port nearby Position #20. This is advantageous because Position #20 rests just to the Southeast of the Island that Zouna's Castle rests upon. From here, you simply need to hop on Marko the whale and swim on out to Zouna's Castle for the Final Showdown. | |
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Cure-All: キララ |
Cure-All (Originally romanized from Japanese
as "Kirara"). This valuable item is located in the ocean at the
absolute, Northeastern-most corner of the Wealthy Continent of
Marvel Land. In order to obtain it, use the Tiara to teleport
yourself back to Position #12. From there, head to the Warp Zone
to the south, and stand on the Warp Zone, facing west--then use the
teleport. Because you have the Tiara with you, you'll go to position
#20. From there, use the sea port to board Marko the whale,
and swim your way East, then North, approaching the Northeastern-most
corner of the Wealthy Continent. Use the True-Sight Lens Magic
spell to make any invisible, underwater treasures visible. The Cure-All
will show up if you're in the right place that I described. The Cure-All is not required to complete the game, but it sure is useful. It completely Cures Valkyrie's HP and MP to full. Bear in mind that the item can and will disappear after four uses. When fighting Zouna, its best to dispose of this item from your inventory and pick up the Key of Time to finish the game. |
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Key of Time: 時の鍵 |
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The very artifact
that Valkyrie has been fighting for throughout the entire game. It
resembles a wind-up key for an old grandfather clock. Obviously, this
item is not sold in Sandra Shops. It can only be found in Zouna's
Castle and drops off of Zouna himself. This item is absolutely vital to complete the game. To get it, you must strike Zouna enough to the point where he drops it on the floor. Make sure your inventory is not full (if you have the "suggested items", use up your Cure-All to make room for it). Pick up the Key of Time and run to one of the Keyholes in Zouna's Throne Room and use the Key of Time on the Keyhole to complete the game and save Marvel Land from Zouna's tyranny by casting him into the Abyss of Time. |
Magical Spells gained by Valkyrie throughout her Adventure:
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Magic of Healing: 治すの魔法 |
Acquired at:
Lv. 4 MP Consumption: 20 MP Effect of Casting: Valkyrie will recover a significant amount of HP. |
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Magic of Fireball: ファイア・ボールの魔法 |
Acquired at:
Lv. 6 MP Consumption: 5 MP Effect of Casting: Valkyrie can shoot a fast-flying projectile fireball in one of four different directions that will knock the enemy backwards. |
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Magic of True-Sight Lens: 真実目レンズの魔法 |
Acquired at:
Lv. 9 MP Consumption: 10 MP Effect of Casting: Reveals invisible items that are submerged underwater to become visible on the field. Useful in locating the Cure-All in the ocean on the east side of Marvel Land, and the Gold Key that is submerged in the water pond in the Southern Pyramid dungeon. |
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Magic of Invisibility: 目に着かないの魔法 |
Acquired at:
Lv. 12 MP Consumption: 15 MP Effect of Casting: Valkyrie will become completely invisible to all enemies on the field (except Mid-Bosses) for a short period of time. She can still take damage from enemies, however--They simply will not chase her in battle. |
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Magic of Time Stop: 時停止の魔法 |
Acquired at:
Lv. 14 MP Consumption: 32 MP Effect of Casting: All enemies will freeze, locked in time and unable to move at all. Allowing Valkyrie to come and go as she pleases. Perhaps the most useful spell in the entire game. |
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Magic of Medicine: 薬の魔法 |
Acquired at:
Lv. 15 MP Consumption: 20 MP Effect of Casting: Works like the Medicine Bottle. Cures Valkyrie of the Poison status effect. |
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Magic of Lightning Bolt: 稲妻の魔法 |
Acquired at:
Lv. 16 MP Consumption: 50 MP Effect of Casting: Instantly destroys all enemies on the field. |
Things you need to know:
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Crossing into the Wealthy Continent
of the East. Hints on this were also obscure at first, but there's a way to
do it. To do so, you're going to want to be at position 11 on the overworld map.
There will be a little square-shaped grove of trees. Use
your axe and step inside the center of it.
To the right, there will be a Black Scissors Mid-Boss. What
ever you do, it is vital that you DON'T kill it.
Now wait. Wait for night to pass
over and dawn to come. At dawn, a rainbow will
appear to the east of Valkyrie--that is,
if you did not kill the Black Scissors. Use the rainbow as a bridge to cross over
into the wealthy continent. However, it would be wise not to go there until you've leveled up for a considerable amount. The
monsters there are quite strong. Make sure you snag the Tiara while you're there, otherwise you won't be able to go
back to this area. The Tiara grants you more mobility
over Marvel Land, and has the only sea port available on the Eastern
Hemisphere. The Wealthy Continent is the only way you can reach
Zouna's castle from the sea. |
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If Valkyrie is facing [direction] and |
Doesn't have the Tiara. |
Has the Tiara. |
Down |
To Position #3 |
To Position #12 |
Up |
To Position #14 |
To Position #5 |
Right |
To Position #15 |
To Port, East of #20 |
Left |
To Position #16 |
To Position #18 |
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There are
world hazards strewn about Marvel Land. Keep in mind that Valkyrie cannot swim on her own. Hence why she needs either the Boat or the help of Marko the Whale. If Valkyrie enters parts of the desert where the sand is thick, she will sink and gradually lose great amounts of health in the quicksand. The same effect occurs if she tries to cross a partially damaged bridge (see picture to the left). There are also quicksand and pitfalls inside dungeon areas to be wary of. Get a Lantern if you think it'll help you--Although you probably won't need one. Remember, Valkyrie can also become poisoned by field hazards such as certain objects in the dungeon (like Mushrooms) and Cacti in the desert. |
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Zuhl is probably one of the biggest annoyances in the game. When he appears, he moves very fast and can cross all terrain--just like the Quarkmen. If he touches Valkyrie, instead of dealing damage, he will steal any item from Valkyrie's inventory. Starting with the item in the upper left-most corner of Valkyrie's inventory box. Zuhl can come and spawn at you in waves of four, like all monsters. Fortunately, like all monsters, Zuhl has a set area he generally spawns around--the Mountain Range and grass plains to the east of the great desert. As long as you pass through those areas quickly, more than likely you won't meet up with Zuhl. Other places Zuhl will appear is in the Southern half of the Wealthy Continent (of course, he is a thief after all)--Beyond the Gate of the Lion. Once you obtain the Tiara however, you won't even have to go beyond the Gate of the Lion and can proceed straight to Zouna's Castle. If you play the game right, you won't ever have to deal with Zuhl even once. |
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Typically, it's from Mid-Bosses that Silver Keys generally come from. The Keys can be used to open various doorways and treasure chests--serving all sorts of purposes. You can tell if an enemy is a Mid-Boss or not by a few things. Most Mid-Bosses are stationary, and twice the size of normal monsters. Because of this, they can shoot fireballs in eight directions. Valkyrie can easily gain the upper hand over a few of them, like this "Scissors" you see in the picture that you will meet very early in the game. Some Mid-Bosses get stunned from each hit Valkyrie lands--much like normal mobs. This temporarily stops them from shooting fireballs, allowing Valkyrie to simply "Zerg" it down as fast as she can. |
Sandra Shops are represented on the world map by the left house with the purple awning. While Inns are represented by the right house with the chimney. Sandra Shops both have items available to buy, and will allow you to sell items back. Approach an item and the price will be displayed on the four-digit cash register. To sell an item, move to the left side of the register and select an item from your inventory--then confirm it. Prices will be displayed as you scroll over your inventory items. Inns act as a safe haven from monsters outside. They display how much EXP you need to attain the next level, what magic spells you currently have gathered, your current HP and MP total, and your current password you need to resume the game. To recover HP and MP, simply have Valkyrie walk to the bed. If you have money, she will automatically sleep and money will be deducted over time until either her HP and MP are filled to the max, or she runs out of money. Also, the password will change after you use the bed. In order to actually "level up", you need to use the bed. A minor note about leveling up. How much your Maximum HP and MP increases by, and whether or not you learn a new spell at the supposed level seems to be somewhat randomized. Sure enough, there seems to be a general "range" as to how much your Max HP / MP increase by, but there seems to be no set "limit". |
Secrets of the Pros:
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On the world map, there are some monsters that will serve to be more of a nuisance than others. Quarkmen can move across any terrain effortlessly. This includes trees, mountains, and even the ocean. Sorchikis, especially black ones as depicted in the picture can be the most annoying. Not only do they move quickly, but the black ones can shoot fireballs. There is a way to take advantage of the game's programming, since enemies that both move fast and shoot fireballs can be extremely unforgiving and kill Valkyrie in a hurry. Flame-Slicing is a technique you can utilize for when a fireball is coming at you head-on. Swing Valkyrie's sword just a bit before the fireball comes into contact with her. With perfect timing, Valkyrie can deflect the fireball and negate all damage. This is especially useful in Dungeon areas, because you are locked inside very confining, and claustrophobic rooms that restrict Valkyrie's movement. To make matters worse, Honorians and fireball shooting Animated Armors have a tendency to come after you relentlessly. |
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Throughout the course of this guide, I will section off pieces of the
maps available and put my own markers on them. The map to the left is of
the Southwestern-most continent. Its mostly filled with trolls, dark
Quarkmen, and Fly Drills. The only real "boss" in this game is Zouna. Other than that,
the game is filled with Mini-bosses, or "Mid-Bosses". The Mid-Bosses can
usually shoot fireballs and, nine times out of ten, are strictly
stationary [non-moving]. Mid-bosses generally drop Silver Keys more than
anything, which can be used for general purposes such as opening
passageways and unlocking treasure chests.
There are two mid-bosses on this
island. Their original Japanese name is 「シーザス」 "Shiizasu".
I've seen this name translated as "Sheeza" and "Sizus". Both of which I
feel are inaccurate. So, I'm going to call the enemies "Scissors",
because they bear a strong resemblance to a reptile-like pair of
scissors with feet. The "Green Star" Marker is a
common icon you will see on these maps. Use it as an indicator where to
start from using Valkyrie. For this map, from thee starting point, there
will be a Scissors directly north of you. But you're going to need to
come back around the map, in a reversed "C" shape to kill it. Once you
do that and kill the Scissors, pick up its key and go into the
passageway behind it. Use the key on the treasure chest and snag the
boat. As an option, you can get the red helmet in the treasure chest out
at sea. |
If you did, for
the sake of argument, you would need to reach the only available sea
port which lies in the Northwestern-most corner of this island. The port
is guarded by another Scissors, so you'll have to get rid of it. Then
you would need to trace the outer rim of the island and come all the way
around making your way to the Southeastern-most corner. Once you've done that [or have not done that--your choice], get back on the island and head to the Warp Zone at the position marked #3 on the map. Use the Warp Zone to go to position #15 on the map, which is just east of the Southern desert Pyramid. Since you only have the Short Sword right now, wail on a few black Sandras out here for a bit in order to level up fairly quickly. They offer the most decent experience points and are well worth it. If you get tired, simply go back to the Warp Zone and go back to position #3. From there, stroll by the incredibly weak monsters to position #1. Heal up and save your game there. Once you've reached about Lv. 4+ at least, you should have learned your Cure magic spell by now. Use the Warp Zone and head to position #14 on the map. |
Get a good piece of money. Maybe 100 to 200
Gold or so. And head to the Sandra Shop that rests just south of you.
Buy yourself a Long Sword. This is going to be your mainstay
weapon for a good while until towards the end of the game. While you're
at it, buy yourself a Red Axe too--You're going to need it to
reach the Eastern continent. You'll be using this long sword as you traverse your way through the dungeons to come. If you like, you can level up a bit more. The dungeons in this game will severely test your patience and endurance. Buy a potion or two if you want to feel safe, or know you're going to run out of MP quickly. Once everything is said and done in this area, make your way back to the Warp Zone again. Its time to tackle your first dungeon! |
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Please take notice of the Dungeon
Legend to the right. Some of the items listed will not make an
appearance at all in any of the dungeons. But bear it in mind
regardless. The icons you'll want to memorize the most are the Entrance, Exit, Blue Mantle, Blue Helmet, Gold Key, and the Super Sword. You can pretty much ignore everything else and skip at least two of the existing five dungeons in the entire game. Some weapons on the list, like the Blue Axe, Super Tent, and Gold Key can actually be bought from Sandra Shops later on in the game.
The first dungeon we're going to be
visiting is the Southern Pyramid. So make any preparations you need to
before-hand. |
The Well Dungeon at position #6
you can completely bypass, because there's nothing you really need to
get out of it. In the Southern Pyramid dungeon, you'll start off at the far east side [as illustrated by the map]. What you want to do is make your way west. The two big dungeon items you want are the Blue Helmet and Gold Key. The Blue Blocks in the passageways on the map indicate that the room is locked and needs to be opened with the Silver or Gold Key. Pick up a Powered Short Sword if you want and sell it later on for some quick cash. Bear in mind that most major dungeon treasures are guarded by a mid-boss. The Mid-Boss is always a giant Snake / Cobra that spits fireballs. But just like the Scissors, it can be simply "Zerged". Also, some dungeon treasures, like Tents and Armor Parts are typically sealed inside a treasure chest that needs to be opened with a Key.
Having said that,
the wisest course of action would be to go after the Gold Key first. |
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You'll be back in
the desert again. Follow the route provided and this time make your way
up North to the Northern Pyramid. Either killing, or avoiding
Black Sandras along the way. Once you get to the Northern Pyramid, head
on inside. |
In here, don't
bother with the Blue Axe. Just head for the Blue Mantle and snag
it. The room is guarded by another Snake Mid-Boss. You know what to do
of course. Zerg it down and get the treasure from the chest. Head on
back and go back outside--You're done with this dungeon. Make your way,
using the Red Axe, to position #17. Be careful not to run
into Zuhl. Also, you may see another Well dungeon
[Referring to position #10]. There isn't much of anything to gain
here. But if you want to just explore, here's the map. |
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If you haven't already, make sure Valkyrie is
at a decent level--Somewhere between 5 to 10 or so. And make sure you
have a Red Axe as well. Continuing from the last map piece to
this one, you should be able to use the Red Axe now to chop your
way through the Mountains and reach Marko the whale. You should
at least have the Cure spell. Stand over Marko and cast the Cure
spell. Marko will flop back to the ocean and leave behind an item image
of himself. Pick it up and Marko will be in your inventory. You can
either hold onto, or dump the boat you have in your inventory--Its going
to be gone soon anyway. Head to Position #12 if you feel like
saving your game. Ignore position #13 for now--That's a Warp
Zone. Once you obtain the Tiara, that's going to become a
common thoroughfare for you. Head to position #11. You will see a Black Scissors mid-boss there. He will be standing just east of a small grove of trees. DO NOT KILL the Scissors. Instead, just chop one tree out and stand in the center of it. Wait until nightfall. Stand there and wait. As soon as the clock rolls over into morning time, the trees will change, the Black Scissors will vanish, and a Rainbow will appear--making Valkyrie automatically cross over into the Wealthy Continent. |
After crossing into the Wealthy Continent,
you're winding down towards the end of the game. The monsters are the
strongest over here. Beware, just like the Cacti in the desert, the ice crystals you touch here can poison you as well. You will want to make your way a bit east, then keep heading south. To the south, just a few paces north of the Gate of the Lion, there will be a small lake with a damaged bridge and an island in the center of it. The island has a treasure chest on it. It is absolutely vital that you obtain the treasure that is sealed away inside. Fortunately, you should have the Gold Key with you. If you don't, shame on you! |
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Inside the treasure chest was the Tiara.
The Tiara grants Valkyrie more mobility across Marvel Land, and
changes the destinations of the Warp Zones. You can easily take the Tiara south and use it to get the Gate of the Lion to open. Or you can just as easily use the Tiara and transport yourself back to the Sandra Shop and Inn at position #12. Use the Tiara, save your game, do what you need to do and head south to the Warp Zone at position #13. We're getting ready to go take on Zouna and fight him down. |
Use the Warp Zone to go to the pier just east
of position #20. Now that you have the Tiara, it is possible to
warp there. Use the pier and hop aboard Marko. The first thing we're
going to do is get the Cure-All. Presumably you have the recommended item list that was mentioned earlier? If not, scroll back up and check to make sure. To get the Cure-All, use Marko and swim in a U-turn to the East. Swim up the Coastline of the Wealthy Continent until you're in the very Top-Right corner of the map. Use the True-Sight Lens magic and look in the water. You should see something resembling a golden coin with a "K" on it. That's the Cure-All. A disposable item that cures Valkyrie's HP and MP to full--can be used four times total. Putting the "Tent" and "Super Tent" to shame. Head back down south and go past the pier again. Keep heading west, further away from the Wealthy Continent. Avoid the Twin Gilas Mid-Boss that shoots fireballs at you along the way and then make your way past a series of Islets to the Northwest. Into uncharted territory... You've arrived on the island that Zouna's Castle resides on. Are you ready to finish this? Let's go. |
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There are a few pine trees, and some Moai
[Stone faces. Refer to the Gate of Lion picture] outside of Zouna's
Castle. The Castle is also defended by a series of gates. You pretty
much "need" the Gold Key at this point, because Zouna's Castle is filled
with several locked rooms. Anyway, once you stave off the enemies with your trusty sword, head into the castle and prepare for the final showdown with Zouna, the Dark Wizard. Use the map below to guide your way through. Also, there are very tough monsters in here, so make sure you're a decent level before you enter. I was at Lv. 14 or so before I finished. |
You'll begin the dungeon on the West side and
have to work your way Southeast, then North to reach the last Dungeon
treasure, and the final boss, Zouna. The only worthwhile item in here is
the Super Sword. Make your way through the castle. Avoid the Animated Armors, Kaoxes, Honorians and Scorpions. Snag the Super Sword and head for the largest room on the map. Zouna's throne room. Approach the Throne and Zouna will spawn--beginning the fight. If you strike him enough times, he'll vanish and drop money sometimes. When he disappears, approach the throne again to make him respawn. He will shoot fireballs and teleport around while fighting you. Keep striking him until he drops the Key of Time. Gobble up your Cure-All to make room for it and then pick it up, run to a Keyhole in the room and face up. Use the Key of Time on the Keyhole. And congratulations! You have just completed Valkyrie no Bouken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu "The Adventure of Valkyrie: Legend of the Key of Time". |
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You will be presented with the ending text: |
If you want to completely bypass the fuss and
muss of leveling up and going on the complete adventure, I will offer my
best password in the game. This is completely optional, however. Using
the password, while it gets you as close as possible to the end, it
takes the fun of exploration out of the game. Only use it if you really
want to go as far as you can.
After Zouna's defeat, Valkyrie used the Key of Time to restore order and peace to Marvel Land. Everyone who had been tainted by Zouna's dark powers were finally freed. Sabine and Andy were safe. Kurino returned to his home village and finally went back to his peaceful life with his family. Valkyrie herself returned to heaven. The heroes would meet again, however. For this would not be their last journey. The story continues in Legend of Valkyrie. [See Next Article] |
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It can be easily said that the 1998
Japanese-Only Remake of Valkyrie no Bouken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu
is perhaps the definitive vision of the game. After the success of the original five volume set of Namco Museum on Sony PlayStation in Japan, America and other territories, Namco decided to respond to their fans' requests by developing three more [Japan Only] compilation discs.
All three of which would be the
last compilation titles to be released for the Sony PlayStation--making
8 discs in all. |
The Namco Anthology game disc not only contained a new and updated
version of the game, but it also featured a perfect port of the original
Famicom title that remained unchanged from the original. The update
itself, at its very core, is essentially the same exact game. |
It's similar to its source material enough to the point where an FAQ for
the game is just about completely unnecessary for those who have played
and beaten the original game. Moreover, while the original Famicom title
was widely non-linear in overall play style, the update is the opposite. The game adopts the linear, stage-based format of "Legend of Valkyrie". In which the player must travel and explore pre-designed stages and play through scripted events in an effort to reach the next stage. However, the game does allow you to backtrack through the stage you're currently in at the very least--to make sure you've unearthed every obtainable item and hidden clue. The original map of Marvel Land is used as well. There are minor differences to accommodate the storyline and to establish continuity between all three original games. Notice the section of the world map to the right. This is supposed to be the northwestern-most corner of Marvel Land. |
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Review with the original map above
for further evidence. The new map takes many liberties with the original
one. In the original Famicom title, there was an Indian-style Teepee
village settlement to the Northwest, with a mountain range to the South
and far Northeast, a forested area to the east and southeast with a
river that runs down the middle of it, a series of islets dividing the
north and south continents, and, of course, the vast desert where Kurino
and Valkyrie had their fateful encounter. The only thing that wasn't in
the original game that is present in the picture and new game are the
Ziggurat in the forest, and the town to the southwest. |
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By the way--speaking of Kurino, the update was obviously revised to tie
in the other two games, making it a true trilogy, rather than just a
sequel and a prequel centered around one old game. There is far, far, far more dialogue in the update than there ever was in the original Famicom title. In fact, the original Famicom game had no in-game text whatsoever. Save for the ending message, title screen, and "pause" text. Just like the original game, Valkyrie opens with her heavenly descent into Marvel Land--starting in the middle of the southwestern continent and staying true to the original game. She travels about, battling Goblins, Fly Drills, Tattas, Honorians, and all manner of creatures along the way. Zouna's dark powers turned the once-docile creatures mad. |
Always on her best behavior, Valkyrie performs random good deeds for the
inhabitants of Marvel Land. Whether it be helping a young mother from
being assaulted by a group of renegade Goblins, or liberating a town
from poverty and starvation. |
Zuhl isn't a bad fellow in this game. The Sandra Shops have been
replaced and Zuhl takes on the same role he had in the original 1989
Arcade title, "Legend of Valkyrie". He is once again a shopkeeper. His shyster nature is still intact, however. Just like in "Legend of Valkyrie", Zuhl sells mostly weaponry. But they've made the game slightly easier this time around. Zuhl now sells Health and Magic restoring potions too. Here's a tip--Like in "Legend of Zelda", there are both Magic and Heart Containers that increase your maximum health and magic meters. Around the second stage of the game, Valkyrie will fall into an underground area after evading a hoard of dark Quarkmen. There will be yellow tree root-biting bugs from "Sandora no Daibouken" down here. Explore this underground area thoroughly. |
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If you're diligent enough in your
search, and good at taking down the white snake / cobras in the tunnels,
your persistence will be rewarded by a female plant spirit. She will
teach you the "Cure" magic spell. This saves you a bundle on potions!
All you need to worry about at this point is keeping your MP up. |
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Of course, there are boss battles as well. Most, if not, all of which
feature the same boss battle theme music featured in "Legend of
Valkyrie". The "Mid-Bosses" that were once sparsely scattered on the overworld map have either been done away with entirely or converted into true bosses. The "Scissors" monster [as shown in the picture to the left] is one of the common bosses. At least in this version however, Valkyrie has better means of defending herself. Her sword shoots beams again, just like in "Legend of Valkyrie", and she can Jump as well. In addition to that, she can also perform a few more feats! She can lift her shield in front of her face and defend herself with it. Move in eight different directions. Duck down. Crawl on the ground, and even Dash at high speeds! |
The majority of these photographs are from the "desert" stage of Marvel
Land. It is around this point where the game decides to tie up some
loose ends and fill the plot holes in the continuity of the storyline. |
Sabine has a bigger part in the updated game and has more active
dialogue. This game was probably the first game to openly refer to
Kurino by his first name of "Kurino". To synchronize the story with "Sandora no Daibouken" 「サンドラの大冒険」, Valkyrie eventually journeys to Sandland. The Sandras residing there are overcome with the plague--turning into stone statues. While the village itself is enveloped in darkness, with withered crops everywhere. Valkyrie then journeys into the forested area just outside of Sandland [which is even part of the original game], and fights off Trents「トレント」that are infesting the woods. After going through the woods, fighting two boss battles and escaping the forest, Valkyrie reaches the desert. And after going through it, she meets Sabine「サビーヌ」, who is concerned about her friend. A black Sandra named Kurino「クリノ」[see picture]. |
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This, of course, picks up where the Super Famicom title left off. |
Valkyrie subdues the enchanted Kurino, and frees him from his dark
imprisonment. She then uses the Sun Cure to restore everything done
wrong in Sandland. Kurino and Sabine join Valkyrie. Kurino then opens
the way inside Zouna's pyramid for Valkyrie to gain entrance. Valkyrie's
quest resumes, resulting in her victory and liberation of Marvel Land. Like I mentioned earlier, this game is a large elaboration on the original "Valkyrie no Bouken", and has a lot of tie-ins surrounding the other games. In keeping with "Sandora no Daibouken", after the Pyramid scene of the game, Valkyrie travels to Caldera Castle and even meets the Fairy from Tree Island, along with Princess Tiana and her boyfriend, Nick. In the game Namco X Capcom, Reiji Arisu and his team eventually make their way to the desert of Marvel Land and enter Zouna's Pyramid. They even enter the room filled with Robotian Generators, and the Time Chamber featured in the "Valkyrie no Bouken" PSX Remake. If you do manage to get a chance to play this game, I suggest doing so. It's a decent platformer action-RPG. However, the saga continues in Legend of Valkyrie. |
Article written by DeviFoxx on 05/02/2007 08:53:18 PM
· Article #1 | Article #2 | Article #3 | Article #4 | Article #5 ·