since Zouna's defeat, and Valkyrie's return to heaven, Kurino has been
living peacefully with his family in his home village of「サンドランド」Sandland
with the Sandra Clan. His once sickly infant son was now a healthy young
boy. Kurino and his wife couldn't be happier. |
However, there was a new adventure just over the horizon. Rumors of a
"Golden Seed" that can grant its owner any wish desired began to be
whispered as rumor throughout Marvel Land--eventually finding its way to
Kurino's household. Zouna had been sealed away within the Abyss of Time,
but remnants and reminders of his reign still lingered throughout the
world. "I've made up my mind... I'm going on a journey to find the Golden Seed. This is my chance to truly finish what me and Valkyrie started." Kurino tells his family. He then makes preparations. |
sets out on his journey. With a simple red bindle slung over his
shoulder, he traverses a desert wasteland that was all too horribly
familiar. The Sun beat down on the sands below and scorched the earth.
Not knowing too much about where he should go--traveling on rumor and
instinct, Kurino finds shelter in a nearby forest and decides to make
camp for the evening. |
familiar Quarkman emerges from the bushes and finds its way to Kurino's
campsite. It was Sabine! A rather pleasant reunion for the both of them.
Kurino and Sabine share their experiences over the campfire. After
hearing about Kurino's plan to journey in pursuit of the Golden Seed,
Sabine promptly offers to join Kurino on his quest--to which Kurino
happily obliges. |
Sabine, the Duo is able to cover more ground with great speed and
agility--an ability that comes natural to Quarkmen. They are even
assaulted by a group of Tattas! Sabine and Kurino safely evade the
fiends with large leaps and bounds. |
Zuhl! It's you!" Kurino exclaims, with a bit of surprise. "Hey, Kurino! Good to see ya! I've decided to go on the straight and narrow now. No more common thievery for me!" Zuhl explains himself to the pair of travelers. Since the "Key of Time" incident, Zuhl had actually been arrested by the police of Marvel Land, and faced a trial hearing. Zuhl was acquitted on the condition that he help the inhabitants of Sandland as a traveling merchant. Remembering that Zuhl's interest include trinkets, jewels, and great treasures, Kurino asks if Zuhl would be willing to help find the Golden Seed. "Sure, I'll help ya, buddy! ...For a price, of course!" Zuhl smiled that same cheeky grin that he was known for. Pulling out a tattered, old map with directions that were barely legible. It was like something out of a story of bygone days. |
some way or another, the map lead the trio to an ancient treasure under
a pile of rocks. A golden trident that rested sheathed inside a
glimmering golden ingot. Kurino had no interest in the nugget--his eyes
were transfixed upon the trident. A hero's weapon, no doubt! |
decided to let Zuhl take the golden ingot as a reward for his
assistance, and a promise of what's to come. Taking the golden trident
for himself, Kurino aspired to become a legendary Sandra hero--people
would sing his praises in song. |
It was
getting quite late... The trio of would-be heroes decided to seek refuge for the night at a local house on the outskirts of a forest. |
Baba-sama, the kind old lady, tells Kurino of another treasure that has
yet to be found. Kurino listened intently to her advice. Her description
sounded remarkably similar to the rumors of the Golden Seed he had heard
about. |
Daybreak. The trio continues their journey. They happen upon an abandoned, ruined village with a dilapidated, yet ominous clock tower as the town's centerpiece. A grim reminder of the evil grip Zouna once held upon Marvel Land. "Are you sure this is where we're supposed to be, Kurino?" Zuhl inquires. But before Kurino can offer a reply, the sound of thundering horse hooves begin to approach from the distance. |
booming voice bellowed at the hapless trio. "What are you doing here?!" A dark horseman of the Warlord Kamüz glared evilly at the three. Ready to pass judgment on our heroes. |
dark horseman charges the heroes. Brave little Sabine braces herself for
the attack, while Kurino and Zuhl are caught unawares. |
valiant effort. However, Sabine is swept off her feet and falls to the
ground. Readying his newfound weapon, Kurino places himself in a
fighter's stance. He was ready to try his hand at fending off the
horseman. |
mighty thrust of his trident, Kurino makes a desperate effort to avenge
Sabine's fall. "Graaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" Kurino let out a battle cry. |
Kurino's effort seemed hopeless, for the dark horseman was soon joined
by his comrades. If Kurino somehow managed to triumph over the one,
there would be many more to replace him. The dark horseman had the upper
hand and raised his sword in preparation to strike down Kurino with one
fell blow. |
Meanwhile, the Goddess of Light rested high above Marvel Land. Taking
great notice of the plight of her people, the Goddess was saddened at
the sight of the struggle that the Golden Seed was causing. |
Goddess implores Valkyrie. "The Golden Seed, which once brought joy to
the people of this world, is now the source of strife and chaos that
will consume the world if not stopped. Valkyrie... You have saved Marvel
Land once before. I implore you; please save the world once again. Your
dear friend, Kurino is in need of your assistance. He is your
partner--Do not betray him..." |
then, as if it were a miracle, or divine intervention--which is exactly
what it was--a radiant light filled the blue skies. The horses neighed
and bucked under the saddles of the dark horsemen. They were terrified
at what was to come. |
fell silent. Friend and foe alike. Transfixed by the sheer glow,
everyone turned their gaze to the sky, waiting expectantly, as if
watching a shooting star in midday. |
Triumphantly, Valkyrie once again made her descent to Marvel Land to
help her dearest friend Kurino Sandra, for the second time. She was
already overjoyed at the thought of seeing her friend again. |
beautiful golden-haired shield maiden braced herself. With sword in
hand, she fixed herself in midair for an aerial strike on her foes
below. Faster and faster, she fell! Zeroing in on her target. Her
crimson mantle detached from her breastplate and lost itself to the
rushing wind. |
finally dawned on the dark horseman. He must move out of the way if he
wants to survive. At the time of his realization, however... It was far
too late. Valkyrie struck the ground with a thunderous crash--and
single-handedly dispatched all the minions of the Warlord Kamüz. |
the landing, and the fight caused a large cloud of dust to enshroud the
entire group. Valkyrie's red cape fluttered down from the skies and
landed on top of Kurino's head. A familiar green shield rolled on the
ground in front of Zuhl's face and spun to a stop. |
"Valkyrie! You've come back! In the name of love and courage!" Kurino
exclaimed. Utterly overjoyed to see his friend returned to him once
again. Valkyrie smiled ever so warmly at Kurino, for she too was happy. A quest for a Golden Seed that grants wishes. A dark Warlord who will stop at nothing to gain it. And a group of heroes from all walks of life. All were woven into the story. The tale was about to start. And so... The Legend of Valkyrie begins. |
The game The Legend of Valkyrie is in a fairly linear format, and is probably the shortest of the three original games. As far as an FAQ / Walkthrough goes, there isn't much ground to cover, other than where to find every last item to gain 100% completion. Having said that, I will provide all the necessary requirements needed to obtain all Magic Spells and all items. This guide was written from mostly my common knowledge from the game, and a few bits of information from certain Japanese sources. Also, this guide covers the original Arcade version--not the PC-Engine version. Originally pointed out by user "WorthlessNewbie", most of the smaller images were borrowed from this Japanese website. Me making individual images would've taken far too much time. The page also revealed a few hints on things that I stumbled across but had trouble finding again. With that in mind, please enjoy. |
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It would probably be wise to first give an overview on Zuhl's shop
first. Zuhl sells a lot of
various items in his shop. Most of the items he sells however are
weaponry. |
Items available in Zuhl's
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Rainbow Orb of Magic: 魔法の虹玉 |
A rainbow colored orb. Normally, rainbow orbs (
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Time Hourglass: 砂時計 |
Throughout Valkyrie and Kurino's adventure, there will be an hourglass with green sand next to their HP and MP counter. The hourglass represents how much time you have left to complete the stage until the sand runs out and you automatically suffer one death. A method to keep the game moving and to keep the player on their toes. Buy an hourglass in Zuhl's shop to restore the sand and give yourself more time. | |
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Book of Magic: 魔法の本 |
Increases Maximum MP by one unit. | |
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Additional Heart Container: 付加的ハートの入れ物 |
Similar to "Legend of Zelda", increases Maximum HP by one unit.. | |
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Wide Beam Shot: ワイドビーム・ショット |
Valkyrie or Kurino gains the ability to shoot a wide beam shot. Disappears after 160+ bullets or so. | |
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Penetrating Drill Shot: 貫通弾ドリル |
Valkyrie or Kurino launches drill-shaped screw bullet heads that passes through monsters (while damaging them) and can pass through walls as well. Disappears after 128+ bullets or so. | |
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Homing Shot: 誘導弾ショット |
Shoots rapidly spinning fireballs that chase the nearest enemy down--a homing shot. Disappears after 160+ bullets or so. | |
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Three-Way Shot: 3方向ショット |
Shoots a stream of three blue bullets in a Fan (or "V") shape. Disappears after 160+ bullets or so. | |
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Four-Way Shot: 4方向ショット |
Shoots four separate streams of blue bullets in a Cross (or "+") shape. Disappears after 160+ bullets or so. | |
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Bomb Shot: 爆弾ショット |
Valkyrie and / or Kurino gain the ability to lob a volley of bouncing bombs at enemies. Attack power is fairly strong, and the weapon is effective against flying enemies. Disappears after 64+ bullets or so. | |
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Healing Herb: 回復剤 |
Restores lost HP for Valkyrie and Kurino. | |
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Red Dress (Valkyrie) & Red Armor (Kurino): レッド・ドレス「ワルキューレ」&レッド・アーマー「クリノ」 |
Armor for Valkyrie and Kurino that recovers HP and MP over time on the condition that Valkyrie and Kurino avoid taking damage at all costs. It will give Valkyrie and Kurino a red-colored palette swap. Valkyrie and Kurino will revert back to normal upon taking damage. It is sold in Zuhl's shop in a certain part of Round 4, but you must first meet certain criteria to make Zuhl have the item in stock. The requirements will be described below. | |
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Eternal Sword (Valkyrie) & Eternal Trident (Kurino): 永遠の剣「ワルキューレ」&永遠のフォーク「クリノ」 |
Valkyrie and Kurino's best weapons in the game. They have an unlimited supply of bullets and do not disappear from your inventory. This item is not sold in Zuhl's shop, and is gained through a specific part in Round 3, which will be detailed below. | |
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Option Magic: オプションの魔法 |
MP Consumption: ½ MP Valkyrie and Kurino gain the ability to summon a miniature familiar of themselves. Behaving much like an "Option" upgrade in a standard Sci-Fi Shooter video game. The familiar then mirrors the moves of its caster--firing off smaller bullets, jumping, walking and such. The user can summon multiple familiars. |
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Cyclone Magic: サイクロンの魔法 |
MP Consumption: ½ MP Valkyrie and Kurino send out a spiraling cyclone of fire from themselves, damaging all surrounding enemies. Flying enemies are seemingly unaffected. |
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Big Magic: ビッグの魔法 |
MP Consumption: 2 MP Valkyrie and Kurino increase in overall mass--growing to about five times their original size. Damage is increased, bullets are larger, and landing from a jump causes the screen to shake! If you use Option Magic while in Big mode, the familiars will be the normal size of Valkyrie and Kurino. |
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Tornado Magic: トルネードの魔法 |
MP Consumption: 2 MP Valkyrie and Kurino are enshrouded by a localized tornado around their bodies. They whirl about, damaging any enemies they come into physical contact with. The player has limited control over the character though. This spell is in Round 4. Additionally, this spell can only be obtained under certain circumstances that are detailed in the guide below. |
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Chameleon Magic: カメレオンの魔法 |
MP Consumption: 1 MP Valkyrie and Kurino gain the ability to transform any surrounding monsters into Goblin ( ![]() ![]() |
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Sky-Flying Magic: 空とぶの魔法 |
MP Consumption: 2 MP Valkyrie and Kurino gain the ability of flight [basically a jump that you don't come down from]. This spell isn't gained until towards the end of the game however. In Round 7 to be specific. Also, this magic disappears after one use, then it is gone forever. Details on how to acquire it are listed below. |
Secrets of the Pros:
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Round 1: Sandland
Kurino Sandra's home territory, Sandland. The adventure opens with the
Goddess imploring Valkyrie and Kurino [if there's a 2nd player present
for a two-player cooperative adventure] to seek out the Golden Seed that
once brought joy to Marvel Land, but is now causing grief due to the
power struggle to obtain it. |
The Red Demon will split into eight individuals, encircling Valkyrie.
Use your combat skill and slay them with ease. Until afterwards, the
girl will thank you and invite you into her household, where her mother
will greet you. [This is optional] "I don't know how to express my thanks... Take this Sword of Light and please help Baba-sama who lives at the end of the village." To which point Valkyrie and Kurino will receive an upgraded Sword / Trident that deals more damage and fires a pulse of blue energy. Leave the house and go west. Valkyrie must fight off waves of Goblins and Trents. There will be a blue magical tree ( ![]() Make your way North now. You will find Zuhl's Shop ( ![]() Once you reach the end of the ledge, the true "Platforming" begins. Floating stone platforms with bizarre faces embossed onto them will drift back and forth, creating a path for Valkyrie and Kurino. However, be careful. There will be Fly Drills ( ![]() |
The fight against Twin Gilas can be either tough or difficult, depending
on if you pace yourself or not. Its weak-point is... well... its entire
body. The head on the right [with the horns] will shoot lightning bolts
and other projectiles at Valkyrie and Kurino which can be difficult to
avoid. The other head on the left will launch itself at Valkyrie and
Kurino as if it were a closed fist. Twin Gilas will bob and weave back
and forth, but don't worry. It doesn't have much room to maneuver in
because the fight is in a relatively small battlefield. Just take it one
step at a time and victory will soon be your's. Your rewards will not only be freeing the Wind Fairy ( ![]() |
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After Twin Gilas' defeat, the Wind
Fairy had been freed! Also, in a delightful surprise, Valkyrie and
Kurino recovered the Golden Seed as well! |
However, the Wind Fairy told them
that in order to save Marvel Land they must sink the Golden Seed into
the Northern Spring. |
Doing so will lift the shadows of
darkness that enshroud this world. With their mission set in stone, the
Legend of Valkyrie was just beginning to unfold! Just then, the ground began to quake violently. Opening a large gap in the floor below. Valkyrie and Kurino tumble through--falling into the inner cavity of Mount Alsandra below. With the Wind Fairy on their side, Valkyrie and Kurino press on. |
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Round 2: Within Mount Alsandra
Now within the depths of Mount
Alsandra, Valkyrie and Kurino make their way north. A road sign stands
in front of them with Zuhl camped out in front of it. Either road will
inevitably take you to the same destination, but for the sake of
argument, I usually go right because it's faster. |
There will be an injured blonde
haired boy laying on the ground, gasping for breath. Speak to him and
he'll mention "there's a spring up ahead... If you were only able to
reach that spring..." There's your clue! If Valkyrie and Kurino wait a bit, a moving platform will move south towards them. Jump on it and ride it to the platform north, where there'll be a spring of fresh blue water, and Baba-sama waiting for you. Baba-sama will be surprised to see that you've found her! For your troubles, she'll give you the Cyclone Magic! Hop back on the platform and head back south, then continue eastward once you're on the main ground. There'll be another row of individual platforms. Another fight with a Red Dragon will ensue. You know what to do. Kill it and move onward. On the other side, there'll be a platform with Green Trents that drop both MP Orbs and Money. There's a lot of them so knock off just enough to get by. There'll also be a treasure chest filled with sacks of money, so you'll probably want to snag that too. Once you've finished up here, head North.
Things will get a little dicey here.
The path forks again, but only temporarily. The fatter path on the left
has a bunch of rolling logs that will flatten Valkyrie and Kurino. The
right, skinnier path is enemy free--plus Zuhl will be waiting at the
end... Along with a flock of Fly Drills. Get what you want from Zuhl and
keep on going. |
There are three different versions of Boss Trent you can
fight. The platform just north from the Scissors is where I'll start
giving my directions from. To reach the common brown version (as seen in
the picture) simply keep heading north along the moving platforms. This
one's fairly easy to kill and drops simply money. The second version,
the Golden Boss Trent is slightly tougher to defeat. To reach this one,
head east from the platform I told you to start from. You'll find a few
Goblins along the way, and eventually you will reach a decently sized
standing platform. Wait several seconds, and a moving platform will come
down to you from the north. Hop on it and go north, and you'll reach the
island platform the Golden Boss Trent is waiting on. Defeating him will
give you both money, and a Three-Way Shot. To reach the last one,
the Aquamarine-colored Boss Trent, the toughest one, head as far east as
you can from the starting point, and when you can travel no further,
head north. You can't miss it. Defeating this one will give you money,
and a Book of Magic. After a sound victory, Valkyrie and Kurino will have rescued the fairy of the Earth ( ![]() |
A steep mountain range obstructs
Valkyrie and Kurino's path. Could there possibly be any way to reach the
north? |
The Fairy of the Earth, however,
showed Valkyrie and Kurino an underground passageway that would help get
them closer to the Northern Spring. "It's dangerous down there! Do be careful, you two!" the Fairy warned the duo. "Climb down this ladder and escape through the underground! Baba-sama is in a rock cave somewhere down below. If you find her, she can help you with another spell." |
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Round 3: The Volcanic Cavern Things are starting to heat up! Literally! Right off the bat, you'll encounter Zuhl. He's just waiting to take all that hard-earned loot you got off of the Boss Trent. Might as well give him what he wants! Continue northward. Beware of the Goblins and the Masks, which will appear out of the walls and shoot out a stream of flames. If you're quick on your feet, you can avoid the Masks no problem. There's a treasure here you might not want to overlook. There are a few red treasure
chests and some forks in the road. Get the chests if you like, but make
sure that you head North, no matter what! Valkyrie and Kurino can get
the Eternal Sword and Eternal Trident here. |
After you've picked up the weapon,
head all the way back to where the first fork in the road was. You
remember--where the treasure chest was? Back south, past the two walls
you broke through. This time, head east and keep going. Past the wall of
boulders, then across the platforms in the lava. Keep a strong eye out
for a crack in the wall on the north side. Once you spot it, break it
down and go inside. You'll run into Baba-sama again. This time, she'll
give you the Big Magic. Which is pretty useful! Time to move on.
Head out of Baba-sama's room and continue to the right. The path will eventually curve to the north. There are a lot of enemies and obstacles on the way, so be careful. Once you've reached as far north as you can go, you'll have reached a large red door. Go inside for an interesting surprise. It's Sabine the Quarkman ( ![]() ![]() In the room you rescued Sabine in, there'll be two wooden doors to the north. This is another temporary fork in the path. The left door will have you run another gauntlet of lava, monsters, and a lava pool filled with magma hands that stretch out and attempt to grab Valkyrie and Kurino in their fiery grip. The right-side path, while more dangerous, yields bigger rewards. Going along the right side will have you head north up a hallway. Be careful, however. Sections of the floor crumble away to reveal lava below. The easiest way to get around this is to keep jumping northward, no matter what. At the end of this hallway however will be another breakable wall. Smash that down to find yourself in a room filled with both Kaoxes and treasure chests. One of the treasure chests holds an Additional Heart Container! So it was worth the trip. Get what you need from this room and continue far, far, far to the left. Running yet another gauntlet filled with lava, masks on the walls, boulders, Honorians, and this time--moving platforms. The two paths from Sabine's room will eventually fork back together. At the fork will be a horde of Kaoxes and Goblins. Plus Zuhl will be there too. Defeat the enemies and talk to Zuhl to get what ever you would like. Then head north through the ominous-looking doorway. You'll then enter the large-scale boss fight with Magma Doksas. |
Fighting Magma Doksas takes up more than the entire screen. So
much that the camera needs to zoom out to capture the entire fight.
Valkyrie and Kurino can fight the boss in three sections. The right and
left arm, and the body. The most effective method is to directly go for
the body / head. At the very least, you can destroy one arm and attack
the body to quickly end the fight. The arms themselves can bring
Valkyrie and Kurino harm if they touch them. The claws also shoot out a
radial spray of small fireballs that are difficult to dodge from close
range. The head itself can shoot a stream of fireballs directly
downward. Just pace yourself, concentrate on the head, and the fight
will end soon. Two treasure
chests will spawn that contain money after defeating Magma Doksas. |
At last, the heroes escaped the
volcanic underground cavern. They couldn't help but notice a shimmering
castle across a vast sea in the distance. It was illuminated by the
power of the Golden Seed--which had been previously used to create the
citadel. Valkyrie and Kurino make their way towards the castle on the sea front... |
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Round 4: A Shimmering Castle on the Sea Front
Valkyrie and Kurino make their way
towards the fortified sea base--which is exactly what it is. Move north,
along the small islets of land and the wooden log bridges. Along the
way, there'll be small ferry ships with Goblins aboard them. These
Goblins are stationary and will throw spears at Valkyrie. You can either
snipe them from the main land or jump aboard their ships [which you will
have to do at some point anyway] and take them out in good old-fashioned
close combat. |
A Robotian can still attack if its
head is not completely destroyed. Anyway, moving on! To the north,
you'll meet a rather dopey-looking young man who'll tell you to "Jump
from the spoon!" ... Hmm. That'll come into play in a bit, but for now,
head east from him. There will be more Robotians along the way, followed by a group of Dadattas ( ![]() Once you land back down, on the west side this time, there will be a group of red Kaoxes to greet you. Get rid of them and head north. You'll find Zuhl here to greet you. Do what you need to do and keep going north. This time, you will have to cross a series of moving platforms across a bed of spikes. Be very careful! Keep making your way north. Once you're off the moving platforms, Valkyrie and Kurino will be greeted by a wave of Dadattas. Get by them and follow the road as it curves east. There'll be a group of blue Kaoxes this time. Get by them and you will come to a fork in the road with a wooden door to the north. Go through the door to the north and there will be another wooden spoon. Jump off of it and you'll be flung south in the air--right over several beds of spikes and into a Scissors sand pit [they're on the left side of the picture above].
This will insure that you'll be
able to get the Chameleon Magic in the next stage. Now, exit the
cell and head to the far right side of the room. Open the green treasure
chest for a free Wide Beam Shot weapon. And then head into the
cell directly north from the green treasure chest [the prison cell first
from the right this time]. You'll meet Baba-sama again, and this
time she'll give you the Tornado Magic. You'll automatically be
teleported back outside in front of the three doorways again.
Enter the left or the right one. The path is pretty linear from here. If
you enter the doorway on the left, you'll be heading across the bridge
on the right. Vice-versa if you entered the right-side door. |
The romantic sound of a ballroom waltz fills the air. Young couples are
dancing about the ballroom floor. Talking to them however reveals
strange messages. "Elecman made me keep dancing!" and "Watch your step!" Approaching Elecman's throne will enrage him. Angry by the fact that you disrupted his waltz, he'll engage you into battle. Elecman will teleport about across the checkered ballroom floor. Sometimes Honorians will join in the battle, but you can deal with them easily. Elecman will shoot lightning balls from his staff and aim for Valkyrie and Kurino. Also, he will electrify the squares on the floor in specific patterns. Just stick with it and strike him whenever he reappears and leaves himself open. When you win, Elecman will turn into brittle rock himself and crumble. Two red treasure chests will appear, giving out money and MP orbs. |
Elecman was defeated! Valkyrie and
Kurino opened a treasure chest to find a golden piece of armor. One of
three legendary pieces, they say. The pieces were scattered in remote
locations. |
In an effort to continue their
quest, Valkyrie and Kurino set sail. Departing from the sea front castle
that had been created from the Golden Seed's power. Their destination
was a cursed village that had been consumed by darkness... |
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Round 5: The Ruined Village of Darkness
Valkyrie and Kurino disembark from
their ship and arrive back on the mainland. Make your way north, as
usual. It's pretty apparent that the climate is beginning to change as
Valkyrie and Kurino make their way north. Hop across the small ice bergs
to continue north. You'll find a small graveyard like area--A group of
Talos will begin to assault you. Deal with them and move north. There
will be a group of Honorians guarding six treasure chests. Jack the
treasure chests for all they're worth and head into the pit just north
of you. The pit is filled with endlessly spawning earthworms. Get out of
the pit from the north side, and you'll find Zuhl in a small hut-like
structure. Get what you want from him. |
The music will shift to a gloomy
theme. Valkyrie and Kurino have now entered the heavily forested area of
the cursed village of darkness. Head Northwest [up and to the left] past
the gravestones where a group of Honorians guard six treasure chests
that have money, an Additional Heart Container, and a Book of
Magic. Head back towards the east this time. You will have to
navigate a maze of dead trees. Move along the north wall and move through the maze heading east. You're trying to reach the northern-most part outside of the maze. There will be a small house. Touch the house to enter it and you'll be greeted by Baba-sama. She'll be glad that you picked up her letter from her assistant Randa [the girl in the prison cell from the previous round], and she'll reward you by giving you the Chameleon Magic. Afterwards, Valkyrie and Kurino will be transported back outside in front of a large iron gate. Head up and go inside. |
Valkyrie and Kurino will now be in an ice-covered hallway. Large cubes
of ice will slide back and forth and ricochet off the walls. Head up
north to face this round's boss. The wall of Ice Blockers. This
boss is in sections. There will be four pillars that will rest parallel
to one another on opposite sides of the arena. A stream of electricity
will occasionally jolt between them. They can't be destroyed. Simply
focus on attacking the wall which is made up of several Ice Blockers
[one Ice Blocker is in the picture on the right] that will spit sliding
ice cubes at Valkyrie and Kurino. Jump where necessary and send a barrage of firepower at the wall. After the fight is over, Valkyrie and Kurino will have rescued the third fairy. The fairy of Light ( ![]() |
Valkyrie and Kurino had rescued
the fairy of Light, who told them that the Golden Seed has mysterious
powers. When the Golden Seed is used at the Northern Spring, it has the
power to make wishes come true! ... Even Evil wishes can be fulfilled. |
It is also said that the Water
Fairy has the power to negate evil. However, the Water Fairy was trapped
within the cave of ice that lies ahead. |
And so, Valkyrie and Kurino made
their way northward. Braving the deadly tundra wastes to rescue the
Water Fairy and reach the Northern Spring together. |
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Round 6: Into the Frigid Cave...
Immediately, Valkyrie and Kurino will
be surrounded and assaulted by not only blue Honorians, but black Fly
Drills as well. These Fly Drills drop bombs, so watch out. |
Another long hallway. Work your way
north from here and watch out for the moving pillars that shoot a stream
of electricity out. Once you get towards the end of the north side of
the hall, there will be a group of gold Robotians you need to watch out
for. Get by them and go into the door on the right side wall. Watch out
for rolling logs. In the next room will be Zuhl again. You know the
drill. Get what you want and head on up through the door to the north,
then through the door to the west. Watch out for enemies along the way.
This hallway has sliding ice blocks,
and blue Honorians. But there will be a door to the north side wall.
Don't go in yet! Go to the hallway all the way at the end and pop open
the treasure chest for a Time Hourglass. Now you can go in the
door on the north side wall. |
Another long hallway with ice blocks and Goblins. Keep on going. You're
almost there! Head out the north door at the end and you'll be in the
boss chamber, versus the Snow Bird. The Snow Bird will fly around the arena. There will be slightly elevated platforms strewn about the battle field, hop on top of them and jump in the air, shooting the Snow Bird from a higher elevation. The Snow Bird is often out of Valkyrie and Kurino's reach, so you'll need to do this. The most effective way of defeating the boss is to use Big Magic, then follow up with Tornado Magic. The combination will result in a large Valkyrie Tornado. The Snow Bird will fly around and drop icicles and stalactites on Valkyrie and Kurino--the typical "spikes from above" attack. Dodge these and keep up the damage and you'll be fine. Defeat the Snow Bird and you'll
have rescued the last fairy. The fairy of Water (
The last fairy; the fairy of Water
had finally been rescued. The Water Fairy told Valkyrie and Kurino that
if Kamüz's wishes come true, then Marvel Land would certainly be
destroyed. |
The Northern Spring itself was
sealed behind the veil of the Aurora and locked with a sacred mark.
Valkyrie and Kurino had gone too far to turn back now. Once again, they
were Marvel Land's only hope. The two heroes were given a golden weapon
and told to hold it before the veil. Not much longer now... |
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Round 7: The Frozen Northlands! Sphinmoth's Trials. We're winding down to the end, folks! Head north from the starting point and navigate by hopping along the ice bergs. Watch out for the Mini Twins [as shown in the picture] and other monstrous hazards. The dark thunderclouds are probably the biggest annoyance here, in conjunction with the moving ice floes. Exercise as much patience as you can and make your way to the north to the mainland. Once you're on the mainland, talk to Sphinmoth, who tells you that in order to pass him you must fight him in one of two ordeals.
A ) A Physical Test. |
Choosing to give up will make you start back at the beginning of Round
7. Work your way up again, but this time, when you reach about halfway
through the path from the starting point to Sphinmoth, stop and wait.
Look to the east. There should be a moving ice berg. Hop onto it and
ride it east. It'll take you to a small ice island. Who should be
waiting there but Baba-sama! Talk to her and she'll reward you for your
persistence. The last spell of the game. The Sky Flying magic. Be
warned, this spell will vanish after one use. Continue on and head back to Sphinmoth. Choose either "A" or "B", the Physical or Mental test. The Physical test will pit Valkyrie and Kurino against a large group of monsters with high endurance. The Mental challenge is a bit more annoying, because it involves a slider picture puzzle featuring scenes from the game.
The easiest way to get around this is
to take the Physical Test, wait for the enemies to spawn, and use the
Chameleon Magic. It'll turn the enemies into weak Goblins and Talos
which can be killed in about one hit. |
Valkyrie and Kurino raise their
weapons high in the air against the Aurora veil. The veil opens up,
revealing a lush, green land far at the bottom of the glacier the heroes
stood on top of. Valkyrie, Kurino, the Fairies... All fell in and were swallowed up by the ground. |
Sadly, the Earth had already begun
to decay from Kamüz tainting the soil with his evil. The situation had
become more dire than ever... Kamüz was in control of the Northern Spring. Valkyrie and Kurino knew what they had to do. The Legend of Valkyrie was about to become completely fulfilled. |
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Round 8: The Northern Spring, where Kamüz awaits... This is it! The Final Round! Time to finish this once and for all!
Start by heading north, as always.
Watch out for the flowers that will attack you by launching their buds
at you. Keep heading north and hop across the moving platform. When you
reach the next section, you'll be encircled by a group of eight blue
Demons. Fight them off, and once you've killed them, head west and get
ready for one of the most aggravating parts of the game. |
Once you're across the boats, avoid
the hoards of Goblins and make your way east. Follow the road as it
curves north. Once you've reached as far north as you can go, you can
make a quick deviation at this point if you're willing to take a risk.
To the far right there will be another set of moving boats. On the other
side of the boats is a chest with large MP orbs inside it that can
easily restore all of your MP in one shot. Further right of that is a
set of moving platforms in the water that will take you to a small
island where Zuhl has camped himself out. If you're willing to risk
falling in the water to get there, that's fine. If not, continue along
the road as it curves west.
The path is fairly linear. There will be more goblins, blue demons,
followed by a moving platform that you'll have to jump across to another
island. The next island to the west has Honorians, and green Trents that
drop MP orbs. If you want to fill your magic a bit then just kill a few
of these. There are also treasure chests. Some hold weapons, and the
other have Kaoxes and Honorians, so open with caution. |
Approach the spring and Kamüz will appear; seemingly lying in wait for
Valkyrie and Kurino to come. Kamüz strafes about the battlefield. Kamüz
has four arms. One throws fireballs, one stretches out and punches
Valkyrie and Kurino, another wields a boomerang, and the last one holds
a shield. Put up your best fight against Kamüz. Use every trick you have
up your sleeve. Marvel Land depends on you!
As the fight rages on, Kamüz's face
will grow meaner and meaner. When Kamüz's face transformed into an
overly long-horned beast, that's when he's on his last legs and really
begins to struggle. Give him all you've got! |
At last, Kamüz had been vanquished
by Valkyrie and Kurino! The two raised their weapons high in victory and
sank the Golden Seed into the spring... Valkyrie and Kurino ascended into the sky. Kurino only stopped short of the boundaries of heaven. It was time for Valkyrie to return from whence she came. Back to the heavens, among the realm of the gods. The two best of friends bid each other a fond farewell. Cherishing one another and the memories of all the adventures they had shared together. |
Everyone inhabiting not just
Marvel Land, but the entire Earth began to rejoice. Peace had been
restored and the world had been saved once more by the efforts of
Valkyrie and Kurino. Everyone said their goodbyes to Valkyrie. Would she
return one day to see all of her dear friends again? Only time will
tell... |
The Earth itself was rapidly being
restored and reverting back to its once prosperous state. Before
Valkyrie and Kurino sank the seed into the spring, they made their
happiest of wishes out of the goodness in their hearts. |
Throughout their many journeys
Valkyrie and Kurino's friendship had grown even stronger. The constant
trials they had endured. From their first meeting in the desert, up
until now. Tried and true, they stood by one another, no matter what. |
Kurino returned to his hometown of
Sandland, donning the golden armor they had found, and became a hero in
his own right. He treasured the fond memories he had of Valkyrie and
Sabine. Valkyrie never forgot Kurino either. She and the Goddess
continue to watch over Marvel Land from the heavens above. The Golden Seed makes wishes come true... But only wishes from the heart. You're the only one to make your wishes come true. The North Spring's waters reflect one's mind like a mirror, and it is waiting for you to visit! And so... A new adventure begins, just over the horizon. ~The End~ |
Kurino, and Sabine would go on to have more adventures, cameos, and
quests. They even played a pivotal role in the story of "Namco X
Capcom". But for cameo appearances and other related material, please
see the last article. - DeviFoxx |
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Article written by DeviFoxx on 05/31/2007 06:44:46 PM
· Article #1 | Article #2 | Article #3 | Article #4 | Article #5 ·